October 14th, 2024 — 3:30 AM

Hello. Long time no see, huh?

I'm sorry for the absence since my birthday. Part of me kind of drifted away from this project, and it coincided with the fact that my school semester had begun again and I suddenly had less time to dedicate towards it. I ended up dropping a few of my courses, and now I'm just taking sectional anatomy (fascinating stuff; anatomy through the lens of radiologic imaging) and a history of rock 'n' roll class (which is very much opening my eyes to a whole world of music I never bothered exploring before). It's a very easy courseload, nothing major, and honestly I feel bored this semester due to the lack of...well anything.

Let's see, let's see...what has Shibardnek been up to? Well, I've been getting much more into movies lately, and currently attempting (and failing) to get into classic horror for the sake of October. I've gotten into comic books now, a newly born interest in the X-Men that I never saw coming. I'm currently on the Chris Claremont run, and it's been a blast. I'll be visiting Chicago soon for my anniversary with my dear partner, for we absolutely love Chicago and all there is to see there. Other than that? I've been pretty stagnant. Sleeping in far too late, dragging my feet through the mundane life I've given myself; no money, no job, nothing to motivate me forward really. I've turned into a bit of a zombie I suppose—I feel very dead anymore.

I think it's due to my lack of outside stimuli. I live such a lonely, sad existence, actually. I stay home all day and read comic books, watch movies, and doomscroll on my phone until I get too tired to even do that, and then I play picross on my computer until I fall asleep at 5 AM. The only people I speak to consistently every day is my partner, and a singular long distance friend who puts up with far too much of my bothersome behavior to be healthy.

Who created that lie that college is the best time to make long lasting friendships? I've heard that before, you know. This myth created by socialites (like my partner), who claims their closest friendships were born from the shared suffering of the paid tuition. Through study groups and club activities, eating lunch in the student union and laughing together on the grass. How do you get such an idyllic life? Because if that is the norm, I am living on a remote island far out into the ocean, the waves of loneliness crashing against the shore. The crash against the rocks sound like the laughter of friendship, and it makes my bones ache with envy. I don't have any friends. And I think that's my own fault sometimes.

It's such a complicated thing—friendships. I feel that I am too much for the modern relationship. You ask anyone close to me, and they'll tell you I am loyal to a fault. I will give you the shirt off my back. I will let you stay at my place for far too long. I will give you money when I have none to give. I am an adept listener, a known nurturer in my own weird fashion. I may be brash, and cynical, and maybe even a little prickly, but if you take the time to know me you'll see I am so full of love that it tortures me. I crave those deep friendships so desperately, and yet all of my friendships end because I've done something wrong, I suppose. I had a falling out with a friend a year ago (or was it two?), which resulted in a split in our friend group, and subsequently a good portion of my friends picked them over me, regardless of all the times I've proven to care deeply for them, and their lives, and their interests, and just as people. It didn't matter. If all friendships are based on the same video games we play, the same tv shows we like, I'll never stand a chance I suppose.

I was researching a band I'm writing a project on, and organically stumbled on an ex-friend's music blog where they wrote an article in 2019 over the band, and they mentioned me by name as that band's number one fan. A small piece of history, of our friendship, and I blew that too, because I didn't like their partner, and she didn't like me. How do I even fix that? We had been friends since 2014. We had fallen out before, but made a mutual effort to try again. And then I blew it all over again due to a disagreement, a bad trip to Texas that I regret so badly. I miss them every single day actually. What do I have to show for my "understanding" and "kindness" now? I let them not showing up for my wedding sour that relationship, and to be fair I do think it's warranted, but not a good reason overall. For every instance of kindness I suppose I have, it's balanced with the same level of bitterness too.

I don't really know what I'm talking about here. Just rambling for the sake of rambling. I hope all of you are well. I lost a neighbor, but that's to be expected with such a long time away. I might come back sooner rather than later, but I wouldn't hold your breath on it.

With love, Shiba.