Vinyl Collection

Put Up or Shut Up

All Time Low

Release Date: July 25th, 2006

Genre: Pop-Punk

Favorite Tracks:
↳ The Girl's a Straight-Up Hustler
↳ Jasey Rae
↳ Coffee Shop Soundtrack

Such a nostalgic album for me! ATL was one of my favorite bands ever in middle school, I was absolutely obsessed. I remember telling my spouse when we started dating that I owned all of the album CDs, except for this one. He decided to just buy me the vinyl version, which was sweet regardless.

Favourite Worst Nightmare

Arctic Monkeys

Release Date: April 18th, 2007

Genre: Indie Rock, Alt. Rock

Favorite Tracks:
↳ D Is For Dangerous
↳ Fluorescent Adolescent
↳ Do Me A Favor

Got this vinyl on Christmas from my mom back when I was probably 16. I was on a huge Arctic Monkeys kick when AM came out, and begged for more vinyls to keep listening. I always think back on this boy I liked back then too — we used to hang out for hours listening to Humbug a lot.

I kind of miss when AM sounded like this — a little more raw and unpolished. While their newer stuff still has the same Alex Turner sound that we all love, it's more wild and unfettered here. Or I'm full of shit. Dunno.

Suck It and See

Arctic Monkeys

Release Date: June 6th, 2011

Genre: Guitar Pop, Indie Rock

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Piledriver Waltz
↳ Reckless Serenade
↳ Suck It and See

This used to be my favorite AM album. I listened to this vinyl in my room all the time because it's such an easy listen. A lot calmer than Favourite Worst Nightmare, AM really dialed it down from their chaotic guitar riffs and messy vocals to become something polished. On the relisten, it's still really good but I find myself a little underwhelmed by it. I guess most of the fanfare for me back then was that it was just the sound at the time. My tastes haven't changed a lot, but just enough to find this one to be a little lacking for most of the tracks.


Your Favorite Weapon

Brand New

Release Date: October 9th, 2001

Genre: Pop Punk, Emo

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Failure By Design
↳ Seventy Times 7
↳ Mix Tape
↳ Soco Amaretto Lime

Wow, now THIS album brings me back. I think I had an ex-boyfriend buy me this one as a gift. Now, this album is one of my favorites of all time — it got me through a really bad time in my life. I'm 17, I had just got fired from my very first job (Starbucks), and I got a new job working at the worst snowcone shack ever, pennies on the dollar. It was Your Favorite Weapon that I would scream to in the car every day. Awesome times.

Deja Entendu

Brand New

Release Date: June 17th, 2003

Genre: Alt. Rock, Emo

Favorite Tracks:
↳ The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows
↳ Play Crack the Sky
↳ Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades

I don't remember who bought me this one, maybe a friend? I think this is tied as my second favorite Brand New album. It's hard to pick between this and TDAGARIM, because Deja Entendu is objectively their best album, and while I love it so much I don't love every track. Brand New is definitely one of my favorite bands of all time though, undisputed.

The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

Brand New

Release Date: November 21st, 2006

Genre: Emo, Alt. Rock

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Degausser
↳ Jesus Christ
↳ Not The Sun

TDAGARIM is very special to me. My high school graduation gift from my mom was tickets to see Brand New in concert, but it was in a city that was a seven hour drive away from me. My ex-boyfriend drove us up to go see the show, and I didn't know that our show was the exact day of the 10th anniversary of this album. So as a surprise they played the entire album in the middle of their set for us. It was so incredible and special for me to have gotten to witness that.

Science Fiction

Brand New

Release Date: August 17th, 2017

Genre: Alt. Rock, Indie Rock, Post-Hardcore

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Can't Get It Out
↳ Waste
↳ 137

I remember being really excited when this album was announced. Brand New's last album before they quit for good. I also remember being a little...disappointed, when I heard it. It's not that I think it's bad or anything, but I kind of see it as a hybrid between TDAGARIM and Daisy. That same somber sound from the former, with a slight experimental edge as the latter, but because they mixed them together, the end result became a half-finished version of the other. Does that make sense? It was just...fine, to me.

Don't Shoot Me I'm Only The Piano Player

Elton John

Release Date: January 26th, 1973

Genre: Pop Rock

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Daniel
↳ I'm Going To Be A Teenage Idol
↳ Crocodile Rock
↳ Texan Love Story

I actually never listened to this album all the way through before! I've owned this vinyl for a while — my sister was giving away some of her vinyls to me and I just chucked em all in with my others, never even checking which ones I had. This was one of them, and man what a mistake it was for me to wait this long to sit down and really get a feel for this. I've always been a huge fan of Elton John's work, with Daniel having been a huge favorite of mine personally. This album is so electric, and still holds up insanely well even after 50 years.

On a side note, I saw Elton John live back in November 2022, and it was amazing! But I will say that my biggest disappointment that night was when he failed to play both Honky Cat and Daniel. You could not imagine how sad I was.

Tango in the Night

Fleetwood Mac

Release Date: April 13th, 1987

Genre: Pop Rock, Pop

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Seven Wonders
↳ Everywhere
↳ Family Man

Another vinyl hand-me-down from my sister. Listen, I love Fleetwood Mac, especially Stevie Nicks. It's cliche, but Rumours is up there in the top 15 at least for favorite albums. While Tango was also really incredible, especially with the gorgeous vocals on Seven Wonders, the second half fell flat for me. Oh well.

From Under the Cork Tree

Fall Out Boy

Release Date: May 3rd, 2005

Genre: Pop-punk, Emo

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner
↳ XO
↳ A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
↳ Sugar, We're Going Down
↳ 7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)

I would say this is probably my...fourth? favorite FOB album? Absolutely nothing against it; it's got this awesome pop-punk tempo that really reminds me of what I loved about the genre at the time — it's the perfect music to see live, and God knows I miss live music when I had the energy for it. I wish I got to see them live when this album came out.

Infinity on High

Fall Out Boy

Release Date: February 6th, 2007

Genre: Pop-punk, Pop Rock, Emo

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Hum Hallelujah
↳ "The Take Over, the Breaks Over"
↳ G.I.N.A.S.F.S.

My second favorite FOB album! My spouse got me the picture disc vinyl after I told him I had to choose between that vinyl or my Folie à Deux vinyl on a trip once. God, I love this album. It's another one of those albums that's objectively FOB's best because I don't think there's a single skip on this. I tend to relisten to this every time I'm on a road trip.


Folie à Deux

Fall Out Boy

Release Date: December 10th, 2008

Genre: Power Pop, Pop Rock

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes
↳ Pavlove
↳ (Coffee's for Closers)
↳ Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet
↳ 20 Dollar Nose Bleed

Okay, so Folie à Deux is my FAVORITE album, like of all time. I don't know what it is about this album in particular, but I think it's got the most songs that I can really relate to and find myself in. I think it's iconic because it's the album that "broke up the band", and that it was such an experiment and risk for them after the success of Infinity on High that I respect it more for it. You ever hear the way Patrick Stump sings Headfirst Slide? His voice cracks at one point and that lives in my head rent free. I also did an English report breaking down Water Buffaloes once, so needless to say I am obsessed with this album.
Also, fun fact, I own two of these vinyls. My first one got warped and it crushed me so badly. I told one of my exes this, and he surprised me with a brand new one. I was too attached to throw the old one away though, haha.

American Beauty/American Psycho

Fall Out Boy

Release Date: January 16th, 2015

Genre: Pop, Arena Rock

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Jet Pack Blues
↳ Irresistible
↳ Fourth of July

I'm gonna be completely honest with you...I don't like this album. It's ranked 7th out of their 8 studio albums. I got this from a different ex-boyfriend, and I've begrugingly kept it and will post it here for collection sake. I don't want to spend the entirety of this paragraph shitting on it, but it created some of the biggest brainworm songs on the radio ever, and when you work somewhere where Centuries or Uma Thurman is constantly being repeated on the radio, you grow to really hate it. Truly the best album to play at a stadium game. Oh well.

Oh, and I also own the little 7" Immortals vinyl from this album too. I sadly don't like that song either, but I got it as a gift from my mom and I love her more than I dislike this song, haha. It's a really cute vinyl though.

Come Dance with Me!

Frank Sinatra

Release Date: January 5th, 1959

Genre: Traditional Pop

Favorite Tracks:



Lana Del Rey

Release Date: November 9th, 2012

Genre: Baroque Pop

Favorite Tracks:

So, I used to be big into Lana when I was in high school. It was kind of the thing at the time, I guess. If I'm going to be completely honest though, I'm not crazy about this pseudo-album, even back then. Born to Die was more my jam, but honestly after listening to Lana about 10 years later I can safely say I lost a lot of my old love for her. Just maturing, I suppose.

After Laughter


Release Date: May 12th, 2017

Genre: New Wave, Pop Rock

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Rose-Colored Boy
↳ Fake Happy
↳ Tell Me How

I LOVE this album! I love the risk Paramore took in releasing this completely new sound, shifting into that synth-pop sound that I've always been partial to. I remember when this album came out, and I swear I listened to it every day for at least half a year. Hayley's talent for writing depressing ass lyrics with a crazy good upbeat backing is so good.


Soul Punk

Patrick Stump

Release Date: October 18th, 2011

Genre: Soul, R&B, Synth-Pop

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Allie
↳ Everybody Wants Somebody
↳ The "I" in Lie
↳ Dance Miserable

MY HOLY GRAIL. MY MOST PRIZED POSSESSION. I'm serious, this vinyl is impossible to find now. I got this for my 15th birthday from a very dear friend of mine (a friendship I fucked up, unfortunately, because she was a really wonderful friend). This is also one of my top 10 most favorite albums of all time. Patrick Stump was a genius for this, I'm not even kidding. Do you know how incredible the creation of this album was? Patrick wrote every track, played every instrument, and did the entire production. He made something so fucking fresh and different from FOB's sound, dyed his hair platinum blond and got his health under control and just fucking DID THAT!! I could gush about this album for literal decades. And I can bitch about how ungrateful everyone was when this released too. I would've gave an arm and a leg to see him live during this era, but I'll settle on having one of the rare copies of this vinyl in my personal collection instead.

Collide with the Sky

Pierce the Veil

Release Date: July 17th, 2012

Genre: Post-Hardcore, Emo

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Bulls In The Bronx
↳ King For A Day
↳ One Hundred Sleepless Nights

Okay, don't laugh, but this was my first vinyl ever. This beautiful metalcore classic, such a 2012 album if there ever was one. I was a little emo kid back then, and the vinyl for this album was so freakin' pretty that I begged my mom to have it. I didn't even have a record player yet, I just desperately wanted to have this.

Honestly, I'm still a PTV fan. They were doing something really different back during the scene, and it holds up even now.

Chutes Too Narrow

The Shins

Release Date: October 21st, 2003

Genre: Indie Rock, Indie Pop

Favorite Tracks:


Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston

Release Date: February 14th, 1985

Genre: Pop, Dance

Favorite Tracks:



Whitney Houston

Release Date: June 2nd, 1987

Genre: Pop, Dance

Favorite Tracks:



The XX

Release Date: August 14th, 2009

Genre: Indie Pop, Dream Pop

Favorite Tracks:
↳ Intro
↳ Shelter

Now, what is more 2014 than this album, right? It came out in 2009 but when I was in high school it was everything. This indie pop classic, with it's soft and dreamy vocals, this was the vinyl I used to play to wind down from a long day at school. On the relisten, I do think it's a weaker album compared to I See You, but that just proves their huge growth as a band. I have to add though, hearing Intro live was an out of body experience.